Become a Business Supporter
Thanks for considering becoming a business sponsor for the Junction Ridge Neighborhood. Your support helps us fund our community events (like our annual picnic, spring social, and 4th of July parade), our web and printing costs, and welcome goodie-bags for new residents.
Supporting a neighborhood association like ours can benefit your business too! It will increase your brand visibility, allow for opportunities to engage with our residents, provide another avenue to voice your opinion on local city (and community) policy.
Advertise with JRNA
We offer three options to help raise awareness of your goods/services to residents of the Junction Ridge Neighborhood Association.
Place a banner ad in our e-newsletter
Advertise your business in our monlty e-newsletters. We have over 150 people on our list-serv and typically send 9-12 issues per year.
Place your ad in:
One issue: $50
Three issues: $125
Six issues: $200
Banner ads are 564x200 px.
Don’t have an ad? We can help you create your ad for $25. We'll work with you on the graphic and get your final approval before the ad is placed.
Sponsor our direct mail postcards
Advertise your business and demonstrate your support of our local community by sponsoring our direct mail postcards. These postcards are sent to every residence in the Junction Ridge neighborhood (that’s more than 850 homes!) to advertise our upcoming events, promote our current initiatives, and remind people to become members. Your sponsorship will help cover the cost of the printing and mailing fees.
Sponsorship cost:
2 sponsors @ $250 each
1 sponsor @ $500
Sponsor our large group meetings
Advertise your business and demonstrate your support of our local community by sponsoring our Annual Picnic and/or Annual Meeting. These events are open to all Junction Ridge residents as a way to build community, discuss neighborhood priorities, and ensure all our residents stay up to date on our goals for our neighborhood. Your sponsorship will help cover the cost of the venue, food, and drinks for our members (so we can keep the events free for all).
Sponsorship cost: $200-500 (limit three per event)