JRNA Project Leaders
Neighborhood volunteers help us make progress toward our community goals. See who you can get in touch with if you'd like to get involved in one of our community projects.
Friends of the Park & Prairie: Lynn Wiskowski
Environmental Action: Mukta Nandwani
Recycling: Sonja Keesey-Berg
Good Neighbor Project: John Freeborg
Events & Programs: Jennifer Ondrejka
Membership: Amy Schultz
Communications: Jennifer Ondrejka (newsletter editor) & Amy Schultz (newsletter designer, website, social media)
Fundraising: Jennifer Ondrejka
Block Captains
Block Captains are our neighborhood ambassadors. They hand-deliver important news 2-3 times per year to keep neighbors informed of JRNA events and news.
Kathie Newman - Augusta, Oakmont, Castle Pines
Sue Jahn - Blackwolf Drive
Yiping Liu - Elderberry
Volunteer Needed - Hawks Ridge Condos
Sonja Keesey-Berg - Condos at Junction Ridge
Susan Young - Prairie Point
Jane Wendricks - Samuel